
Total Given


Impact Stories & Thanks!

Dollars for Do'ers

TOTE Maritime Alaska helps full time employees earn monetary support for their favorite charitable organizations and receive recognition for their outstanding work in our communities.  We provides a monetary grant for employee volunteer efforts to eligible nonprofit organizations based on the hours volunteered at the non-profit.

Employee Match Gifts

TOTE Maritime Alaska Matching Grant Program provides all full time employees the opportunity to increase your monetary donations to your favorite, eligible charitable organizations. Our company will match every dollar donated by a full time employee up to to a cumulative annual amount of $1,000 per employee. By matching donations from individual employees, we hope to continue and enhance our rich tradition of making a positive impact in our communities.

Donation Id Cause From Amount Type Classification

Since setting sail as a one-ship company in 1975, TOTE Mairitime Alaska has become the premier provider of ocean transportation service between the ports of Anchorage, Alaska and Tacoma, Washington. TOTE Maritime Alaska, a privately-owned Alaska corporation, operates a fleet of (RO/RO) cargo ships in addition to providing overland highway and intermodal connections throughout greater Alaska, Canada and the Lower 48. TOTE Maritime Alaska is part of the TOTE, Inc. family of companies.

Community Impact

Corporate Donation Policy

TOTE Maritime Alaska supports qualified 501(c)(3) organizations which provide services in the following focus areas:

  • Community Improvement
  • Environment
  • Health & Wellness
  • Public Safety, Disaster Preparedness & Relief

Other considerations for a contribution are:

  • How widespread the benefit
  • How urgent the need
  • Level of impact

TOTE Maritime Alaska does not provide donations for the following groups unless the group requests a contribution on behalf of a qualified 501(c)(3); however, direct contributions are preferable to indirect gifts:

  • Sporting events or teams
  • Political organizations or events
  • Labor organizations
  • Fraternal or trade associations
  • Religious organizations
  • Individuals
About Us

Community Commitment

TOTE Maritime Alaska is dedicated to serving Alaska’s transportation needs and supporting those communities we serve. This dedication has fostered a special relationship with Alaskan and Washington communities through participation in various charitable and non-profit organizations. Our core outreach is centered around Washington's Pierce and Kitsap Counties and Alaska's Boroughs of Kenai Peninsula, Anchorage, Matanuska-Susitna, and Fairbanks North Star.

At TOTE Maritime Alaska we give back to the community in the form of monetary grants, event sponsorships, in-kind freight donations, passenger ship trips and tours, employee matching and volunteer grants.

We Give:
Local, Regional, National
Donation Gift:
Cash, Auction Item, In-Kind, Gift Basket , Volunteer Labor
Event, Non-Event

Special Instructions:
Please note, grant applications are reviewed annually in the Fall. Event sponsorship and auction requests are reviewed monthly. If your submission is received outside of this timeline, rest assured your request will remain in the queue and be considered during the next funding cycle.

TOTE Maritime Alaska

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Don't forget to visit our partner sites:
Event Sponsorships  /   Grant Requests  /   In-Kind Freight Donation (New Application)  /